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Contracts templates created with HeadHunter

Universal document templates for working with freelancers by LegalPics & HeadHunter

The target was to develop document templates for working with freelancers
Offered forms of documents provide:

  • fast negotiation. To agree on services, you need only to fill the valid details and main contract conditions
  • reducing the risk of new amendments. The part of the template is not supposed to be edited
  • flexibility. There is no need to renegotiate the contract every time, it is enough just to complete the contract annex
  • multifunctionality. The opportunity to include or not to transfer of exclusive rights
  • balance of interests. No special preferences are applied to one of the parties
  • accessibility. Contracts are easy to perceive due to identity graphics and tips on each page of the document
Templates can inspire business and freelancers to sign clear and verified contracts. Therefore, they will avoid the negative legal consequences. Universal templates will become a handy tool. Offered documents are fit for any business and form of cooperation.
A great variety of the sample documents can be found on the Web. They are often incorrect and difficult to operate. The users need verified contracts that are easy to complete.
857 982
"sample contract" searches in the Yandex monthly
Raw data
document templates verified by qualified lawyers of LegalPics and HeadHunter
minutes — average time that is essential for working with templates from the Web
Typical template
minutes average amount of time spent on using our templates
Template by LP
LegalPics and HeadHunter teams created universal document templates for freelance management. Templates are created with legal design. The documents can be chosen depending on the tasks and the form of cooperation. The templates without intellectual property rights transfer are supposed to be used in non-creative jobs. The templates with intellectual property rights transfer can be used for creative jobs.
The user has only to complete the dynamic part of the template according to his/her wants and needs. The static part of the template stays the same for user’s convenience. Templates are filled in a couple of steps: download, fill out and print.
Due to graphic elements, it is easy to navigate the document. Clear and understandable documents reduce parties' anxiety during the negotiation stage.

The documents are available to download for free on the HeadHunter website.
We had an aim to create the document including clear text accessible for non-lawyers. We used the legal design approach. These documents will inspire their users to sign the contracts and avoid negative legal consequences.
"Few people know what document templates are necessary for cooperation with freelancers. It is risky to create documents by yourself or use the templates from the unverified sources. Use the universal contract templates created by and LegalPics company focused on legal design and legal tech solutions"
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